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My MIDI Music
I have a fondness of, yet no formal training for, creating electronic music
in MIDI files. Below is a growing selection of MIDI files that I've
created from scratch, often in several variations. I'd be interested in
hearing any feedback you might have on these selections, so please feel free to
e-mail me.
Dorian Toccata
Johann Sebastian Bach

[4:32] |

[4:32] |
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Johann Sebastian Bach

[3:31] |

[3:31] |
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, Mvmt. 1
Johann Sebastian Bach

[3:11] |
Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, Mvmt. 1
Johann Sebastian Bach

[10:40] |
Symphony No. 5, Movement 4 (Finale)
Ludwig van Beethoven

[5:48] |

[5:48] |
Frédérick François Chopin

[1:07] |

[1:07] |
Canon in D
Johann Pachelbel

[5:56] |

[5:56] |
All of these MIDI files in a single ZIP file

241 KB |

63 KB |
Note: These MIDI files were developed on a Yamaha DS-XG sound card using
Cakewalk Pro Audio. They should work with decent results on most sound
cards. Look for MP3 versions of the files soon.