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Credits and Copyrights
Unless otherwise noted, all content on this web
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and credit this site whenever this content is used or redistributed.
Please feel free to link to this site; however,
the author may move a link or rename a section from time to time, so be
Please note that all the content in the space
science section was written by an amateur (me). If you should notice
any errors or oversights, or if you just have questions or suggestions, I'd
be happy to know. E-mail
The author retains the copyright to all
personally-generated content, themes, and images on this site.
This site was built and is maintained with
Microsoft FrontPage XP. I highly recommend it!
A large number of images have been used from
various NASA web sites,
particularly The Jet Propulsion
Content in my Humorous Stuff section has been
collected from all over the place, often through e-mail forwardings that
spanned across the internet. As such, I cannot give credit to any
specific authors.