Keck Telescope



Keck Telescope

The Keck Telescope was a relatively easy model to construct once I figured out the instructions.  There are many parts to this model, and it was not always obvious which orientation a particular part would fit into the main structure.  This was constructed from a kit purchased from Space Craft International.

There are a number of layers to the mirror supports that aren't easily seen from a distance.  This model kit had a fair amount of interesting detail, which illustrates the amazing engineering that went into the construction of these telescopes.  I learned a lot about how these telescopes were constructed by building this model.

The instrument support panels on either side of the telescope are starting to sag.  A future construction of this model would include some sort of stiffening or reinforcement of these panels.  There is a large amount of folding for the structural elements of this model, which took a great deal of care in folding properly without bending or creasing the other parts.

I estimate that this model took a total of 25 hours, not including the drying time after assembly of many of the sub-sections.

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this page last revised 10.17.2003