Mars Global Surveyor



Mars Global Surveyor

The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft was of moderate complexity, and was very interesting to build.  This was constructed from a kit purchased from Space Craft International.

The two large solar panels, which also served as aerodynamic drag flaps during orbit circularization, were doubly reinforced in the kit itself.  Even with that, there has been minor sagging that could be prevented with additional stiffening during construction, perhaps with clear tape or multiple lacquer coats.

There was a large amount of internal detail in the model that does not show externally.  This helped illustrate the complexity of the spacecraft design and construction.

I estimate that this model took a total of 25 hours, not including the drying time after assembly of many of the sub-sections.

There are a large number of instruments on the top face, or nadir, of the spacecraft.  Placement of these small parts and securing them with glue was not easy, as too much glue would cause the nadir to warp, and insufficient glue would not hold the parts in place.

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this page last revised 10.17.2003